Subsmarine vs
Subsmarine vs

subsmarine vs

I'm not interested in people advocating for another CV-rework or causing a Submarine re-work before Submarines have yet to finish their first live-sever test. Playing well with what one's got in the water shouldn't be penalized merely because others are not playing well enough to win.

subsmarine vs

Submarine players are improving, I've noticed.īut that doesn't mean that "nerfing" Submarines or "buffing" other ships is necessary, in my opinion. Personally, I appreciate that style of approach. WOWs/WG is taking their time and letting the play-testing run its' course. Plenty of other or similar ideas have been bantered about in the forums. Bombers or Torpedo planes could select Depth-Charges and then take off to seek submarines.Īlternatively, a small dedicated ASW squadron using slower planes could be in the hangar space. Notions of selecting a squadron's load-out before launching them in to the air have been discussed. Would it be nice to have ASW capabilities for a CV? Often, simply re-positioning the CV to another point on the map is sufficient to avoid a submarine's attentions. Unless the submarine is poised to sink the CV, let one's team deal with them while the CV prioritizes other targets. I figure that submarines are a "spare time" or "target of opportunity" item for a CV's attention. If a CV helps keep their team-mates alive, then the odds, of the team doing well, tend to improve.Īre submarines difficult targets for a CV? Yep. Let your team's submarines and DD's do their job, which includes ASW. The "counter-play" or "job" of the CV in a Submarine mode game is to sink everything that threatens your teams ASW assets and damage/sink targets of opportunity. Submarines merely have to be at a sufficiently shallow depth. I got my dive bombers on one as he was surfacing, he didn't survive.ĭuring Public Test Server playing, I hit submarines with all types of aerial ordnance, including torpedoes. But I do agree it's very difficult to hit them because they are detected at the very last second. It already is quite common at T6, I for one look forward to the increase in map size at T10, it will be very engaging!Ģ or 3 battles I played on my Furious account the subs couldn't catch me.

#Subsmarine vs full

I for one will attempt to enjoy that all future matches from now on will last the full 20 minutes and consist of the 2 most likely two remain ship classes, CV and SS pick their noses waiting for stuff to happen. I now support the addition of Depth Charge dropping planes, planes with deployable hydrophones, battleships with torpedo counter measures, and Heavy cruisers with modeled-turned-functional depth charges and other less ludicrous changes than a ridiculous changing of a numerical value. I guess the idea of ONLY changing the air detect of subs was too radical. Without even addressing historical precedent of plane-spotting being one of the best tools against submarines. To say nothing of high teir high skill co-operation between division and clansĪnd lets not even get started with the ships that typically remain at the end of matches, Subs and CVs. Okay, I guess I am in the minority thinking that 1.4km air detection range is a problem for all playersĪs is the lack of interaction, even if just sporadic spotting. I think CVs should Just Adapt™, and if that doesn't work maybe try Just Dodge™

subsmarine vs

I quite enjoy that CVs now get to experience the frustration of being helpless against a ship type. Special anti-sub planes do not need to be added and balanced with this, aka, easy to implement, just change the detect values. Subs still maintain all of the power in stealth as they can still dive anytime they want and resume ninja modeĥ. Make it like 8km from the air and a sub will have to make a smart tactical choice of staying on the surface or divingĤ. 1.4km - 1.9km air detect is mind bogglingly stupid good. It allows for CVs to ineract with Subs in a helpful way for the teamģ. It is a realistic and critical part of ASWĢ. Make Submarine dectability by planes be LARGER than surface detection.ġ. Here is my suggestion that I think everyone would be happy with: Subs can chase and sink a CV if they spend a large amount of time+peril doing soīasically SS vs CV is a stalemate that slightly favors SS CVs can barely spot submarines and have almost no chance of damaging them.

Subsmarine vs